Financial Encyclopedia
Intangible assets (%)
An intangible asset is an asset that is not physical in nature, such as a patent, trademark, or copyright. The share of intangible assets shows what part they occupy from the total assets of the company.
The proportion of intangible assets of Alibaba is 19% of total assets in 2021, Meta is 12% (in 2011 it was only 2%).
The main sectors where intangible assets were most concentrated in 2021 are the Internet, software, technology and pharmaceuticals.
More detailed
In recent years, the capitalization of technology companies has been at very high levels, which is often explained by new technologies, patents and the exclusive right to use certain technologies. Therefore, investors prefer to invest in intangible assets.
When analyzing the financial position of a company, it is important to consider how the company generates cash flows and revenue. Higher values of the share of intangible assets may indicate that the main source of revenue and cash flows is technology/exclusive rights.
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